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A Learning Experience

A Learning Experience

· Topic: A Learning Experience
· Total News: 1
· Total Reads: 2570
  Pickup Boot Camp



· Topic: Confusion
· Total News: 24
· Total Reads: 172777
  Reply to My Question
  please i wanna help
  He's gone, what can i do?
  Shes dating a total ass hole
  No time together.....
  Am I the one?
  Dont know What shes Thinking?
· More -->  

Dating Advice

Dating Advice

· Topic: Dating Advice
· Total News: 16
· Total Reads: 144977
  Use The 'Boyfriending Technique' To Get Paid Fast
  i love you?
  I hate "Hippo"
  THis Girl i like
  What to do When the gf is cheating
  Her friends don't approve
  My Friend
  Gettin a gril
  need help!!
· More -->  



· Topic: Disgust
· Total News: 5
· Total Reads: 28999
  everything 4 her
  What's my Name? Oh the Alcohol!
  The Size of my Penis

Husbands and Wives

Husbands and Wives

· Topic: Husbands and Wives
· Total News: 5
· Total Reads: 22758
  Married and more
  A Post-Coital Cup of Coffee
  Who is In Control?
  Backdoor Man

Internet Dating

Internet Dating

· Topic: Internet Dating
· Total News: 2
· Total Reads: 6664
  Writing an Internet Dating Profile
  The Five Killer Mistakes Men Make Dating Online!

Just for Girls

Just for Girls

· Topic: Just for Girls
· Total News: 7
· Total Reads: 41666
  mind over matter, matter undermined (roommate cont...)
  I know im a stupid bitch, but its not gonna stop me from getting what i want.
  I need help
  still want my ex-roommate back!
  A Joke for the Ladies
  Want my ex-roommate back

Playas Playbook

Playas Playbook

· Topic: Playas Playbook
· Total News: 9
· Total Reads: 44274
  She's with someone else and knows my feelings!
  More on What Girls Like
  Girl on a School Trip
  Three Weeks Later
  What About Her Boyfriend?
  Making the Mistakes
  Snatch the Pebble from My Hand
  A Few Months Later



· Topic: Praise
· Total News: 3
· Total Reads: 14131
  Girlfriend Stealer Music
  Laughed So Hard
  Superheroes and the Most Useful Site on the Net

Real Love Letters

Real Love Letters

· Topic: Real Love Letters
· Total News: 7
· Total Reads: 32869
  To M from Bill
  Real Found Love Letters
  Need Help Writing Love Letters?
  Ben You Wanker! Luv Helen
  Slow Moving Maze of Glass
  Little Miss Understood
  A Million Pieces



· Topic: Roommates
· Total News: 2
· Total Reads: 10478
  How to Get a Girl to Like You
  my roommate confessed his love for me...

Stealing Central

Stealing Central

· Topic: Stealing Central
· Total News: 27
· Total Reads: 117311
  Using The 'Fated Encounter' For First Date Seduction Success
  Damn, I cant stand it...all about......her....
  i need help stealing a girl
  i need this girl
  drummer boy
  How to get my dream girlfriend
  Is there any good way to ask a girl out b/f or not
  my story
  Best Friend
  ima playa but im just a lil rusty right now
· More -->  

Success Stories

Success Stories

· Topic: Success Stories
· Total News: 7
· Total Reads: 37512
  Have You Got a Girlfriend? Here's How Not to Screw It Up
  way to easy
  Guys Britney Counts as a Stealer...
  Making us Proud
  Say Uncle
  Ten Days to Success

Tips From Chicks

Tips From Chicks

· Topic: Tips From Chicks
· Total News: 8
· Total Reads: 76462
  We are in control
  Advanced Girlfriend Stealing Tips from an Actual Chick
  Better Than Her Boyfriend
  Are You Coming On To Me?
  Add Spice to a Drab Day
  Stolen Via the Internet
  It Really Works!
  After the Kiss

Work Romance

Work Romance

· Topic: Work Romance
· Total News: 2
· Total Reads: 10751
  Moving in on a girl at work who is involved
  Girl at Work


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