Girls! After reading this site, head on over to boyfriendstealer.com
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Re: What do you think about this site? (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Saturday, 11 September 2004 (11:04:46) UTC | You should be in jail. I feel sorry for your poor girlfriend you control freak. Someone should steal her just to save her from you. |
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Re: What do you think about this site? (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, 21 January 2005 (12:27:17) UTC | Well, we'll see how many guys you can beat up, all the way till you're eighty. I bet you can finish them all. Either that, or you're just a "beware of dogs" sign.
Feeling slightly threatened by the fanfare caused by having a girl? It's all in the package, man.
By the way, how come your girlfriend is not cleaning up the wounds of the wounded? Maybe it's cuz those guys are not doing it right and didn't steal her properly, OR, you forgot to let go the leash... |
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