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  I need help
Just for GirlsAnonymous writes: I would like to get this guy, but he already has a girlfriend that he has been with for four years. The girl is a real ***** and is constantly putting him down. I need to know the best way to get him to notice me for more than a friend and how to get him away from her. Suggestions?

GFS: Guys are so easy. Especially if he's been with his girlfriend for 4 years...
Just start flirting with him. Give him a knowing smile. Casually touch him during conversation. Playfully hit him if he says something you don't like.

Here's what not to do: get all serious and tell him you really like him. Don't pressure him.

When you see him sometime, come up behind him and grab his butt in a playful way.
Posted on Thursday, 21 October 2004 (12:43:53) UTC by gfs

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Re: I need help (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, 31 May 2005 (15:42:46) UTC
ask him if this gf is getting him down and maybe one of his friends had fun with her and he tell you about how he feel ask him out

Re: I need help (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, 29 November 2005 (22:04:04) UTC
This sounds like a situation I am in right now and I wish that just flirting with him would make him dump his sorry girlfriend, but that dosn't work. The one thing that did work was when I started hanging around him and showing him what it would be like to be with someone who treated him nice. Don't get me wrong I had to play a little dirty! (The casual touch does wonders!!)

Re: I need help (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, 13 February 2006 (13:19:15) UTC
This is my exact situation, except they have been together for 1 year, and she has met his parents and they have been on vacations together. But him and I are both of the same religion (a big deal to us) and have so much in common whereas she is a really big b*tch to him. I've been trying for a while now to get to know him, we can talk about our feelings, i help him figure out his health problems (he had to get mri's for his back), we talk about my depression and his ADD, he's leaned on my legs, told me he liked my really short pink shorts, but still no break with his girlfriend, I've created conflicts between them, but he really seems to care about her too. He's a nice guy, not a player type. I wake him up in the mornings sometimes and this morning I playfully touched his behind and said, "are you nervous" to try and wake him up, except it didnt really work, i ended up taking the mattress out from under him. What else can I do??? HELP PLEASE, i really could see myself with this guy for a while, wheras I see them breaking up at some point along the road, but I dont want to wait for that, they are already getting an apartment next semester! Crying or Very sad -Jenny

Re: I need help (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, 01 June 2006 (14:09:21) UTC
Wow! This is awesome I found this site... haha! Love it!! I just made a move on a friend of mine who has been with his g/f for 1.5 yrs. I did the whole flirting thing to assess the situation beforehand and then when I got a positive response, I just went and told him how I felt. He feels the same he said and the girlfriend is on her way OUT!!! I can't wait to read more on this site. Haha, although I can't believe I did this and am happy with myself about it. Oh well, all is fair in love and war!

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