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  Want my ex-roommate back
Just for GirlsAnonymous writes: hi gs,
i'm actually a girl, found your site because my situation is that i have liked my roommate (a guy) for a few years, but never did anything about it because i was raising my child. i totally fell for my roommate because he is the sweetest thing, was there for me during the whole time i was pregnant when my baby's father left me at 3 months. i really regret not having done anything, but was never quite sure if he liked me but there always seemed to be subtle signs like him telling me that his friends can take me on tours in his country (he's not from this country), and that when i asked him to do things with me, he always agreed, but funny thing was he never asked me to do things with him, other than that first night he moved in he asked me to his room to play a boardgame with him. We lived in the same place for 7 months PLATONICALLY, then I moved to my new place. NOW, 2 years later, the situation is that he has a girlfriend since last january, and they just moved in together--but now they are a day's drive away from me. i've never met her. Last december, he told me he was tired of always doing things with her, and he didn't want to spend xmas w. her. I being the nice idiot, told him he can either try to work things out or move on. I guess he worked things out with her. For these past 2 years, i've only seen him 4 times as she is always with him and vice versa, and they had plans months in advance. I think he still likes me, as I told him I had a room for rent, and he said he wanted to rent, then changed his mind when I asked if he was serious.
I can't get him out of my mind, and I saw him for the last time a few days ago, I finally told him that I think a lot about him, asked him not to go but stay with me. He said he can't cheat on his girlfriend, and I told him that's what I like about him, and I knew he wouldn't. I wouldn't want him to, because for me, it would have to be done the right way. Now, gs, I'm asking you what is the right way to get them to break up? I'm being bad, but that's how much this guy means to me Smile

Help pls!


This one had me pondering for a while as it's not really my area of expertise. Also, you don't say what country this guy is from and if he's from a completely different culture, that could make a big difference.

First, please, please, please make sure that you really love him and want to spend the rest of your life with him. It's really not fair to get him to leave his girlfriend for a whim. (Geez, I must be getting a nice-streak in my old age.)

If he's not so happy with his current girlfriend it should be fairly easy to get him. The trick is not to pressure him -- he can get nagging from his girlfriend. When you see him, flirt with him. Keep it fun and funny. Try a quick kiss. Then tell him you want him (be direct -- men need that or we don't get it). If he starts talking about his girlfriend, change the subject to something completely different. Keep the pressure off.
Posted on Friday, 10 September 2004 (15:01:33) UTC by gfs

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Theres this girl that i like but she doesnt like me, how do i make her like me? (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, 11 February 2005 (22:11:40) UTC
Can you help me please, i really like that girl, shes hot! She has a bf and their a very good couple, they dont fight! i want them to fight! I told the girl that i like her, she then told me she had a boyfriend the next day, i was going to make a move on her but i didnt, i want too! Help im not sure what to do! Confused

Still Fixated (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, 10 April 2005 (19:07:05) UTC
i broke up with the most amazing guy 3 years ago. since then we've both had a pretty serious relationship with someone else. throughout the entire time we've stayed friends. too good at some points i think. anyway, we've been living in the same city again for about 10 months (about 5 min from each other too!) and spending increasing amounts of time together. sometimes i definitely thinks he likes me, i know i've only fallen more and more in love with him over the years. oh yeah, we're both single currently. i want really want to start dating him again but don't know what to do. he is always flirting with everyone, so it's hard to tell if his flirting with me is for real. i try to drop hints but not be too forthcoming, i don't know how bold i can be? i've been reading the site trying to find ways guys drop hints and stuff, but i'm just getting frustrated. are there any rules regarding ex-s? there is another girl starting to work on him, and to quote, he's 'intrigued', i'm starting to panic. i don't want him to start anything up with this other girl. he's too good to pass up. what to do?

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