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  A Post-Coital Cup of Coffee
Husbands and WivesWell, I must say that wives and girlfriends are much more fun in terms of the chasing - especially 'bored' ones, who do really exist. I'm of the view, however, that many of these (allegedly) extra-martital (or whatever) flings are really thinly disguised, perhaps naively so, swinging, and are entirely consensual, if not overtly so. I well remember the first time I was 'caught' by a returning husband (a weightlifter by hobby!), who kindly furnished his wife and I with a post-coital cup of coffee as we lay in the marital bed. OK, that was fairly extreme, but how many husbands/boyfriends actually get a kick out of the infidelities of their partners, eh?

What a delightful surprise! That's a good argument to use on a girl who's feeling guilty.

Posted on Wednesday, 18 August 2004 (19:00:13) UTC by gfs

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