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  Backdoor Man
Husbands and WivesHello. I met a married woman whom I fell in love with. She fell in love with me too. I suspect that she may be having an affair on her husband and I both. I once told her that if she were to stray, I wouldn't want her to touch me. It has been about a couple of weeks since then and I can sense her becoming disinterested, but we still keep in touch. When we met last, she observed a hickie on my neck. She asked me if it was one, I told her it wasn't. She acted a little upset. She is very attractive. Please throw me a couple of tactics this way. I feel like this: It is better to be the back door man....or one of many than the FRONT DOOR FOOL. Please tip me on how I can keep a healthy "backdoor man status".
Posted on Wednesday, 18 August 2004 (19:02:12) UTC by gfs

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