I know im a stupid bitch, but its not gonna stop me from getting what i want. | Anonymous writes: I already know my decision making skills are flawed and are usually based on my "throbbing biological urges", rather than logic. Nevertheless my awarness of my stipidity isn't going to stop me form getting what i want.
I have a boyfreind. Been with him for about 3 years. We have lived together for 2 years. He is the greatest guy iv ever known , always faithful, loving and wants to marry me. The problem is: even though i know i have this great guy, because im so young (19) i feel like, although i want to eventually spend the rest of my life with this guy i still want to play the feild a little.
Here comes the temptation. My boyfreind is now gone,away for a new work opp. and has moved to a different state. Were still together but i wont see him now for 4 to 6 months! And im left feeling horney, sad, confused and with a good looking male flatmate.
This was also though, a year in the making. When my flatmate first moved in he had a girlfreind. i was not on good terms with my boyfreind at the time and this guy (flatmate) really impressed me. So i had to get rid of the girlfreind. Do some boyfreind stealing. I never really expected to succeed but with little effort I convinced him to break up with her! But then my boyfreind and I became closer than eve,r and up untill he left had been, more or less, a great couple.
In the month leading up to his departure I became strongly attracted to my flatmate, and now my boyfreinds gone i feel i wanna explore this interest further.
My flatemate, since my boyfreind has left, has now become the sweetest most lovable best freind a girl could have. He buys me chocolates and nice things and stays up to all hours talking to me and watching movies. Hes become protective of me with my other male freinds and whenever hes away he call's to check up on me. We have now, on occasion even slept in the same bed at night. We dont do anything but have become really close. He has even said that im a much better freind than my boyfreind is to him and values my company a great deal more.
I do want him, but for nothing more than a fling, I dont think. I dont want to hurt anybody. And if i do try anything i dont know if it will be worth it. I mean is my flatmate even interested or just being sympathetic? How can i go about this situation the smart way?
Chances are your boyfriend is not going to understand but if you think he will, you could tell him how you feel. Otherwise, it's best to keep it a secret. I wouldn't worry about your flatmate kissing-and-telling; men don't usually do that kind of stuff (except in the movie Closer.)
OK, I think you can just make a move on your flatmate. I recommend grabbing his ass or crotch. Men aren't good with subtleties, it goes right over our heads. Afterwards, if he gets too attached, remind him you have a boyfriend. Then I suppose he'll show up at this site and we'll get another customer!
| Posted on Friday, 01 April 2005 (11:07:07) UTC by gfs | | |
"I know im a stupid bitch, but its not gonna stop me from getting what i want." | Login/Create an Account | comments |
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Re: I know im a stupid *****, but its not gonna stop me from getting what i want. (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Saturday, 04 June 2005 (15:31:22) UTC | So lets say you get everything you want your boyfriends cool with it. and this guy doesn't mind beiung a fling. of course your bf is gonna want the same privelages with one of your friends. But despite all that. lets say you don't care. eventually you'll grow old(if you don;t die in a car wreck or a disease) either with someone or by yourself never finding complete satisfaction in anything. becouse even if your bf is the nicest bf in the entire world your gonna want more. you'll never be satisfied. how often have you ever come to a place of peace in your life where you were just content with what you have, in fact your not only content but your exstatic with your current situation, consistently. Let's say a couple years. your entire life will be filled with these unsatisfactions until you realize that your life isn't about you. making yourself happy sucks, its boring, but poring into something that has purpose and watching other people profit from your actions. your destiny and happiness can can only be found through selflessness. but then why should you be selfless? to make yourself happy, right? well if those are your motives you are just being selfish again. so you have to go completely outside yourself to find your purpose and invest in something that will be here when you leave this earth. a legacy for instance if you really want to find this truth i can explain it more in detail email me a ram1006@mail.ecu.edu or aim tommyhilllll |
Re: I know im a stupid *****, but its not gonna stop me from getting what i want. (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Sunday, 16 October 2005 (08:53:53) UTC | he's trying to steal your boyfriend's girlfriend. probably. |
Re: I know im a stupid *****, but its not gonna stop me from getting what i want. (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Sunday, 06 November 2005 (14:42:31) UTC |
Jeez girl, that's really cool, i like your boldness. It's OK to be a ***** if you know it-say it loud. We should hang out and you should like steal all my girlfriends' real boyfriends, some are even married so it's more fun. |
Re: I know im a stupid *****, but its not gonna stop me from getting what i want. (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Wednesday, 24 May 2006 (20:56:34) UTC | I think you are a ***** already even if you hadnt have fun with him yet. You can have fun with him but before that tell your boyfriend that you dont love him anymore, so he can find a girl that he really deserves. How can you say you want to marry him by saying these things? How can you say to him I love you and I am honest with you and doing these things? You are too young and I think its time for you to earn some expierence on how we make huge mistakes in our life...So get what you want and for sure you will get what you deserve and thats not your boyfriend. I am a man and I can tell you that a man can do or say anything you can imagine just to *****. Because if he was a really nice guy he wouldnt do these things with you knowing that you have a boyfriend. So, dont feel surpized when he ***** you and then damp you.
Good luck. |
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