need help!!
Date: Wednesday, 20 October 2004 (18:35:38) UTC
Topic: Dating Advice

There's this girl at school i like. I want to talk to her, but what do i say to her? I've never talked to her before. Please Help me!!

GFS: Well first try smiling at her and see if she smiles back. Start by just saying Hi. Then think of something to say related to where or when you see her. For example, if you see her during a break you could say something about the class you just had or ask her what class she has next. Or if you know she plays some sports or does other activities, you could ask her about that. Or you could ask her about some even going on at school. A really good place for meeting someone is in a line up or at school, before or after a test or exam. Then you can ask her how she did or whatever.

This article comes from The Girlfriend Stealer's Homepage - How to Get a Girlfriend

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