Date: Friday, 08 October 2004 (12:54:28) UTC
Topic: Husbands and Wives

well im attracted to a gal.... like hell... d prob is shez married...... for a year.... seems dat was a love marriage..... its like dis.... shez working in an agency which belongs to my frenz bro... went der some time back saw her n gosh.... shez fantastic... think she was also attracted..... now got to talk to her. but think shez of d friendly type now..... no hint of any attraction... badly want to steal her from him. any hints????

Jeez, do you like looking for trouble?? First think if this is gonna cause problems for your friend or friend's bro.

Once that's cleared, I guess you gotta see her some more so you can figure out situation. See how she reacts around other people etc. But you really gotta be around her... she won't just go on a date if she's married.

This article comes from The Girlfriend Stealer's Homepage - How to Get a Girlfriend

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