Still Interested?
Date: Friday, 08 October 2004 (12:12:30) UTC
Topic: Confusion

Alright Ive known this girl for about a year now. She used to be all over me but over the summer we kinda forgot about each other. Now she feels comfortable talking to me but how can I tell if she is still interested?

She keeps talking to this guy but it seems he has no intrest in her. Yet she keeps going after him. How lure her away from him?

BTW nice site!

Glad you like the site!
Well this girls likes the chase. So show a little interest in her by flirting (a little playful touching) and then pull back a little. If she thinks that she can't get you or if other girls might be interested in you, she'll probably start to make her move.

This article comes from The Girlfriend Stealer's Homepage - How to Get a Girlfriend

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